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Judge Doyle "Trey" Jetton III


Judge Jetton has dedicated his life to the betterment of his community

and service to the law. He has had the honor of being the Judge of the

Hill County Precinct 1 Justice Court since April 2021.

Judge Jetton continues to demonstrate exemplary leadership, drawing

upon his extensive background in law enforcement, legal expertise, and

judicial experience to effectively administer justice.

Before transitioning to the judiciary, Judge Jetton served with distinction

in the United States Army for eight years, including a deployment to Iraq

in the campaign against ISIS. His military service was marked by various

commendations and medals in recognition of his exceptional performance.

Following an honorable discharge, he pursued a career in law enforcement,

initially obtaining his Texas jailer's license before earning his peace officer's

license. He subsequently served on the SWAT team as well as receiving

accolades such as an Official Certificate of Recognition from the Office of

The Governor of Texas and a Life-Saving Award during this time.

Under Judge Jetton's leadership, the Precinct 1 Justice Court has undergone a comprehensive overhaul, resulting in streamlined day-to-day operations and enhanced accessibility of information for the public. Notably, he has spearheaded the implementation of e-filing capabilities for civil cases, allowing your Hill County Precinct 1 Justice Court to be one of the few Justice Courts in the state with this capability.

Court Coordinator

Constable Miller

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